BioCubaCafè: about us
Once upon a time, in Cuba...
There was a flavoursome, clean, fair coffee thanks to sustainable agriculture,
involving all the local communities: it has been chemical and pesticide free since decades, hence protecting the forests... And actually, it still there is.

BioCubaCafè is the only organic coffee in Cuba, completely traced and guaranteed by
BioCubaCafeBlockchain®: over 100 indicators tell the story of each bean, of the forest and of the communities involved in the whole process.
Our Story
BioCubaCafè is an empreza mixta between GAF (Grupo Agro Forestal de Cuba), Fondazione Giuseppe and Pericle Lavazza and Aicec (Agenzia per l’Interscambio
Culturale ed Economico con Cuba) established to support coffee producers: we interfaces each other directly, enhancing their coffee production with a short, effective, fair and guaranteed supply chain. Our goal is to ensure the producers with a real equity chain, characterized by fair and transparent prices. Moreover, BiocubaCafè constantly reinvest its profits to enhance an integrated local development.

The community of BioCubaCafè
BiocubaCafè is a vision of community. Our aim is to promote Cuban organic coffee: we work with hundred of coffee farmers from the Provinces of Santiago de Cuba, Granma and Guantanamo, in the eastern part of Cuba, in Sierra Maestra and Sierra Cristal Mountain area.
Cuba: the Forest Revolution
In 1959 just 12% of the country was covered by forests, as a result of exploitation and monoculture. In 2023 42% of Cuba is once again covered by forests, with the strongest change taking place after the first
Climate Conference of Rio de Janeiro, 1992.
In many countries coffee production is the result of systemic deforestation: Cuba is not among them.
In Cuba coffee grows in its natural environment, protected by an integrated shading system provided by long, medium and short stem trees, and, together with cocoa, its production defends and conserves forest. Handpicked, transported by livestock from the most recondite peaks, coffee supports the development of the mountain communities through its guaranteed purchase price, among the highest in the South American Continent. Today coffee production in Cuba is entirely forest based, characterized by a strong polyculture and fully fertiliser and chemical herbicide freedom.
BioCubaCafè is not just a beautiful story, it is an authentic one.
Our coffee is clean, healthy and fair, in symbiosis with Cuban forests: to enhance all of this we have decided to apply the most advanced technologies capable of narrating, guaranteeing and certifying this supply chain: the blockchain.

Do you want to know more?
Write us!
Find us... Let's have a good coffee! :)
Bio Cuba Cafè
distributed by Hei S.r.l.
C.F. e P.IVA: 11560940014
REA: TO - 1222886
We are here:
Corso Regina Margherita 157,
10122 Torino, Italy